Finishing Strong - A message from the Elders

September 2019

As we approach the final quarter of 2019 – and the closing months of the first phase of our Be the Blessing campaign – it’s good to update everyone on our progress and highlight plans for the future.

In spring 2019, we were excited to announce city approval to proceed with our plans. The next step has been to line up financing to fund the project beyond pledges and contributions already received. As a reminder, the first phase includes grading the land, solving drainage issues, adding a substantial parking lot behind the building, and creating a “rear” entrance to access the building from our new parking lot.

  • Overview

    • Our small congregation has done something very special. Thanks to your generous contributions, we are currently ready to contribute approximately $1.155 million in cash to Phase 1 of this project. 

    • We have received an excellent offer for a maximum $1.5 million loan from a bank that regularly works with churches. With the contributions, this loan will cover Phase 1 and allow us to begin detailed planning for Phase 2 (which entails the permanent structure for additional classroom, community, and office space on the upper tier of our current parking lot).

    • Over the past few months we’ve looked very hard at the bank’s offer, have closely reviewed the church financials for the past 5 years, and have stress-tested those financials for challenges. We’ve consulted with financial specialists to gather feedback and guidance about the wisest and most prudent steps to take. Through it all, we have reflected and prayed for God’s direction.

    • With all this in mind, we are excited to move forward with this project in a way that reflects wisdom and sound financial stewardship and puts the Conejo church on a path to be more vibrant than ever in the decades to come.

  • Next steps

    • The leadership prays continually for the Conejo church to Be the Blessing. We seek always for you to join us.

    • In the next 4 months we need to complete the commitments made during our initial “pledge-card” campaign. We prayerfully urge all members to consider giving even more to reduce the loan amount as much as possible.

    • While working to secure one more wave of contributions, we will also be taking a hard look at operating expenses to see where we can make prudent cuts. Our financial advisors have identified areas where we can likely find savings, and those discussions are ongoing.

    • We will be hosting a town-hall after second service on September 22 to further share our planning. Please join us with questions, suggestions, hopes, and dreams!

 Grace and peace,

The Conejo Church Elders

 P.S. Thanks to each and all of you, church! For your commitments and contributions – in service, time, funds, elbow grease, vision, details tiny and large, and prayer! Let’s finish strong!!!

Pledge Fulfillment Instructions

Pledges for the Be The Blessing campaign can be fulfilled in a number of ways.  The most important component of the various options is that we know who made the pledge and the amount of the payment that is to be logged against the pledge.

Payment by Cash:  Place the cash inside an envelope along with a slip of paper indicating the contribution is in fulfillment of a Be The Blessing pledge and who made the pledge.  Place the envelope in the contribution plate at a worship service.

Payment by Check:  Write Be The Blessing on the Memo line.  Unless indicated otherwise in the memo area, we will assume the entire check should be counted against the pledge for the individual or family named on the check.  Place the check in the contribution plate at a worship service or mail it to the church office.

Payment via your bank’s “Bill Pay” feature:  One-time or recurring payments for the Be The Blessing campaign can be made electronically via your bank’s on-line “Bill Pay” feature.  Payments made this way typically do not incur any fees or charges, and is a very good way to make contributions to the church.  Simply provide the church information as requested and indicate “Be The Blessing” in the Memo line. 

Payment On Line via ACH or Credit/Debit Card:  One-time or recurring payments for the Be The Blessing campaign can be made electronically.  Go to and click on the OnLine Giving link on the Home Page.  Select Be The Blessing Building Fund from the drop down list of To or Choose A Fund options.

Note:  there is a transaction fee ranging for ACH of 0.75% and credit/debit card of 1.99% for any one time or recurring contribution or payment made through this method.  We would request that you not process large payments via our on-line payment system, or that you offset the fees by clicking the appropriate box or increasing your contribution.

Donate Stocks:  Stocks can be donated to the church through our account at Morgan Stanley.  Please contact the church office for the necessary account information you need to provide to your current brokerage firm.  Please email the church office with the transfer date, name of the stock, and number of shares and indicate the contribution is to fill your Be The Blessing pledge.  Please consult your tax advisor for the tax consequences of donating stock.

Donor-advised Funds :  A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is a philanthropic vehicle established at a public charity. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax benefit and then recommend grants from the fund over time.  Simply direct your charitable account management firm to have your applicable funds distributed to the Conejo Valley Church of Christ.  Contact the church office to obtain the appropriate account details.

Church Address:

Conejo Valley Church of Christ
31225 La Baya Drive, #214
Westlake Village, CA 91362

Phone: 805.371.1381
Tax ID: 95-3378727